
Entry (1/2)1  adano (adana)
Part of speech  2  imperative of passive verb adanina
Explanations in English  [1.2#2]
Explanations in French  [1.3#2]
Examples  3  adano ny dia, lehiretsy, hoy Bina. [2.499#]
4  adano ny dianao (Ralentissez votre pas) [1.3#2]
Tables and plates  5  All the passive imperatives

Entry (2/2)6  adano
Part of speech  7  imperative of noun adana
Explanations in French  8  doucement! lentement! [1.3#2]
Tables and plates  9  All the noun imperatives

Anagrams  10  adano, adona, andao, doana

Updated on 2022/05/22